Document Type : Original Article(s)
1 D. Social Medicine. Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center.
2 PhD. Associate Professor, Pharmacognosist, Basic Research Department, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center.
3 MD. Assistant Professor, Cardiologist, High Risk Clinic. Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center.
4 PhD. Associate Professor, Biochemist, Basic Research Department, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center.
5 Research Assistant. Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center.
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Smoking is an important risk factor of coronary artery disease. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for smoking cessation should be considered, especially in coronary patients. methods: Twenty-four healthy smokers, smoking an average of 20 cigarettes a day for 15 years and with moderate cigarette dependence (according to the Fagershtrum questionnaire score) were randomly assigned to 3 groups of 8 and followed up for 5 days. The first group consisted only of cigarette smokers. The smokers in the second group were given a piece of nicotine gum every two hours. The smokers in the third group were given a piece of non-nicotine gum (placebo) every 2 hours. The subjects' blood pressure and heart rate were checked 12 times during four daily intervals (between 7 AM and 12 PM, 1 PM and 6 PM, 7 PM and 12 PM, 1 AM and 6 AM) and recorded in related forms. RESULTS: Systolic pressure was not significantly different in the three groups, but diastolic blood pressure of cigarette smokers was evidently higher than that of subjects who used nicotine and non-nicotine (placebo) gums. DISCUSSION: Heart rate in smokers was higher than in nicotine and placebo users (P<0.0001). It seems that nicotine gum does not act as a cardiovascular disease risk factor. Hence in the context of smoking cessation efforts, its prescription to smokers with cardiovascular disease is recommended.Keywords • Risk factor • NICO rest gum • Smoking • Systolic blood pressure • Diastolic blood pressure • Heart beat • CVD