Document Type : Review Article


1 MSc, Department of Nursing, School of Member of Nursing-Midwifery, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran

2 MSc, Department of Midwifery, School of Member of Nursing-Midwifery, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran


BACKGROUND: Hypertension is one of the most important, worldwide chronic diseases. In most cases the real cause of hypertension is not clear but recent studies have shown that unhealthy lifestyle may lead to stress, anxiety and hypertension.
   METHODS: The study design of this article was written based on reviewing published articles in scientific database including ISI web of knowledge, Medline, pub med, Elsevier. The articles about healthy lifestyle, stress and anxiety in patients with hypertension was reviewed.
   RESULTS: Hypertension was the major risk factor for developing cardiovascular and renal disease. In most cases the real cause of hypertension was not clear but recent studies have shown that unhealthy lifestyle may lead to stress, anxiety and hypertension. Lifestyle factors were critical determinants of blood pressure levels operating against a background of genetic susceptibility. An improving healthy lifestyle behavior was important in improving health and was a multidimensional pattern. Not all strategies would be effective for every individual, but to some extent all patients being treated for hypertension should incorporate elements of therapeutic lifestyle changes into their treatment regimen. Healthcare providers play an important role in teaching individuals with hypertension on health promotion program and healthy lifestyles. Not only healthcare providers, advice that controlling hypertension is integral, but also patients should follow that advice. Special attention must be paid to intervention programs aimed at modifying lifestyle and providing education on stress management techniques. Non pharmacologic interventions include methods to modify lifestyle and reduce or coping with stress and anxiety such as: stress management intervention (SMI), dietary sodium reduction, weight reduction, supplement regimens utilizing calcium, magnesium, fish oil, and potassium.
   CONCLUSION: Several studies in the context of chronic disease like hypertension had shown that increasing individual’s self-efficacy in order to modify lifestyle has an important role to improve or control their disease. Education is the key component of increasing self-efficacy in patients with hypertension and nursing prides itself on a holistic approach to healthcare that includes disease prevention and health promotion.
