Document Type : Original Article(s)


Assistant Professor, CVD in Women Research Unit, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center.


Abstract  INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are considered the most important cause of death worldwide. Obesity is a major CVD risk factor. This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of obesity and its association with other CVD risk factors in Iranian women. methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2001 as part of Isfahan Healthy Heart Program (IHHP) in three Central Iranian cities of Isfahan, Najaf-Abad and Arak. Being over 19 years of age, absence of pregnancy, absence of mental retardation and Iranian nationality were the criteria for inclusion in the study. A questionnaire on demographics characteristics, drug consumption, smoking status, and physical activity were filled out for every subject. Height, weight and blood pressure of all subjects were measured and fasting blood samples were taken to measure blood glucose and lipids. The data were analyzed with T-test, χ2 and multiple linear regression, using SPSS11. results: Of 6391 women aged 38.8±14.5 years participating in the study, 79% lived in the urban areas and 21% in the rural areas. The prevalence of a higher BMI was greater in urban areas in all ages. Hypertension, diabetes, total cholesterol-triglyceride and LDL-C disorders and inadequate physical activity were more prevalent in obese women than normal ones, but no significant difference was seen in HDL-C disorder and smoking between the two groups (P<0.05). There was a significant positive relationship between BMI and age, blood glucose and urban residence, and a negative relationship was observed between BMI and inadequate physical activity (P<0.05). Discussion: The high prevalence of obesity and the major risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in urban areas is testament to unhealthy lifestyle and insufficient physical activity of women in areas studied.Keywords . Women . Obesity . Residence . Risk factor